About Us

About the Journal



KIU Journal of Education [KJED (ISSN: 2790-4172)] is a peer-reviewed twice in the year academic publication of Kampala International University, Uganda, dedicated to the promotion of research in education and specific subject areas in education. It acts as a medium for disseminating information, ideas, improvements, and services in education. KJED is committed to providing a platform for scholarly reviews, research, and reports on policies, educational technologies; and indigenous knowledge, particularly in the context of developing countries. KJED is Open Access and available for free download.

We publish original reports, reviews, and letters on education and its practice including, but not limited to, creative and innovative approaches to the Challenges of the 21st Century, teaching and learning of different subjects, teaching in developing countries, etc. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. It is a peer-reviewed journal in the form of original articles, reviews, brief reports, case reports, and letters. We also accept review articles, special communications, and editorials. All submissions are subjected to editorial review by the Editorial Board and peer review by reviewers in appropriate specialties. We will consider publication manuscripts from any part of the world but gives preference to articles that demonstrate engagement on the key issues of African education.

For details on the submission of a manuscript, please refer to the “Guidelines for Authors” section.

Aim and Scope of the Journal

The KIU Journal of Education aims to make a substantial contribution toward providing high-quality publications in the field of education. It publishes interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access publications of original research and writing on education. The focus of the Journal is on all levels, stages, and processes of education including formal, informal, non-formal, early childhood, lifelong, schooling, adult education, vocational education and training, and higher education. that have not been submitted for publication and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal ensures a rigorous review process. 

The Journal of Education is the periodical of the College of Education, Open, Distance, and E-Learning.


The KIU Journal of Education is dedicated to promoting high-quality research in the field of education. It aligns with the mission of Kampala International University and research roadmap on responding to societal needs of delivering an education guided by the principles and values of respect for society, economy, and environment. The journal acts as a medium for improving the quality and delivery of education through new and emerging learning technologies; innovative policy and development; digital technologies; traditional, local, and indigenous knowledge, particularly in the context of developing countries with limited resources.