Management strategies for effective administration of higher education in Nigeria in the 21st century
Abstract:Management strategies are tactics usually employed by administrators in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the organization. Just as each organization is unique in its own way, every administrator needs to understand his or her organization in order to determine which strategies to adopt. This paper, therefore, focuses on management strategies for effective administration of higher education in Nigeria in the 21st century. First of all, the meaning of higher education and its goals were examined. This work also discussed in detail key management strategies that higher education administrators can make do with so as to have effective management of higher education. Those strategies basically discussed herein were: strategic planning, committee system, effective communication, constant supervision, application of emotional and social intelligence, organizing, application of information and communication technology, staff training and retraining, staff induction, adequate funding, evaluation, and injection of motivation. The paper concluded that in order to ensure that the goals of higher education are effectively realized, there must be proper administration of this level of education. And for proper administration of higher education, it is necessary for the administrators to have good knowledge of management strategies and apply them sagaciously.